Introduce New Ways of Thinking To Help Shape Your Students’ Self-Identity

From Firefighter to Paraplegic


Program Title: “Identity Shift: A Path to Greatness”

In this insightful and engaging program, I share how a tragic accident 5 years ago left me paralyzed at the age of 20 and how self-belief played an important role in overcoming obstacles. Learn how identity is linked to our behavior and how we perform in our everyday life. The goal of this program is to influence an identity shift and increase awareness within students.

Having a speaker who’s close in age to your students makes it easier to relate to topics being discussed and can have a big impact on the way students perceive themselves and navigate through life.

In this program students will learn…

  • how our actions and beliefs are linked to our identity

  • habits that will help you achieve long-term success in life, career, and relationships

  • how to close the “identity gap” to increase self-confidence and develop healthier forms of escapism

There are 3 main aspects to social emotional development that this program will cover…

  1. Thoughts: Awareness to thoughts and self-belief

  2. Feelings: Regulating one’s emotions and understanding others’ emotions

  3. Actions: Behaviors that foster ways of learning and doing

Read more about this speaker here.